T-2 Months until Interstellar!

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Movies that every guy should see!

Here are the top 10 movies that every guy should see in there life!

1. The Godfather

2. Predator

3. Fight Club

4. Die Hard

5. The Terminator

6. First Blood

7. The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly

8. Dirty Harry

9. Goodfellas

10. Braveheart

The 99%: Highest Rated Movies Every Guy Should See:

Discovering the Film Industry Weekly!

Every Monday tune back to this site to find out new and exciting details about different movies and TV shows!

Today we will look at one of the greatest movies ever made…….. The Shawshank Redemption!

As im sure you all know the story, but for those who dont, it is about two imprisoned men who bond over a number of years, finding solace and eventual redemption through acts of common decency. This is a great flick staring Morgan Freeman, Tim Robbins, and Bob Gunton. It was rated 9.3/10!! and directed by the one and only Frank Darabont! Fun fact: he also directed AMC’s hit The Walking Dead!

It was nominated for 7 Oscars in 1995 in the categories of best picture, best actor leading role, best screenplay, best cinematography, best sound, best film editing, and original score! Unfortunately it did lose best picture to another great film, Braveheart!

Some fun facts to know: When Andy and Red had their opening chat in the prison yard, where Red is pitching a baseball, it took 9 hours to shoot! that’s a full day dedicated to one scene!! Morgan Freeman pitched that baseball for the entire 9 hours without a word of complaint! but on the down side he showed up to work the next day with his arm in a sling…..HA!

This is also Morgan Freeman’s favorite film of his own!

Also did you know that this movie was one of the highest grossing video rentals of all time!

And Stephen King sold the film rights for his novella, Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption, for $5,000. he never cashed the check. and years later Shawshank came out, the author got the check framed and mailed it back to the director Frank Darabont with a note inscribed: “In case you ever need bail money. Love, Steve. ” –Folks, how incredibly awesome is that!!


Well that’s all folks! please tune in next monday for another Superb Flix ;)!  


Hit the streets! Hollywood at its best with stellar acting and brilliant story telling!